Sunday, June 5, 2016

AquaTru Water Filtration Review

 I have had the AquaTru filtration unit for months now because I pre-ordered it over a year ago. This unit is awesome! It uses Reverse Osmosis technology without wasting 5 gallons of waste water to make 1 gallon of pure water like with other R.O. units. This unit also requires no plumbing like standard R.O. units and can conveniently be placed on your counter top. When testing TDS (total dissolved solids)  in my tap water I had over 500 tds with my tds meter. After testing the AquaTru it was down to 34 tds which is incredible! The plastic where the water sits in is BPA free and the filters are super easy to install. This unit filters thousands of gallons of water before you have to replace them and the filters are so economical. I encourage everyone to check out the AquaTru so you can drink pure water and stop buying water in  bottles which ends up in our landfills.

 AquaTru is by far the best water filtration unit out there at an affordable price!!

Learn more below or Check it out here: AquaTru


Unlike regular pitcher or refrigerator filters, AquaTru takes out virtually all toxic chemicals in your tap water.
AquaTru’s TruPure technology is a 4-Stage purification process:
Stage 1 – Mechanical Pre-Filter
Stage 2 - Reverse Osmosis Pre-Filter
Stage 3 – US-Made Reverse Osmosis Membrane
Stage 4 – Activated Carbon Filter


Based on a typical family usage of 1000 gallons of drinking water per year, after 5 years with AquaTru, you can save from over $100-$2800.


No heavy bottles to carry around or filters to change every few months. AquaTru filters last for 2-3 years depending on water usage and local water quality.

Clean + Pure

AquaTru was designed to meet NSF Standards for 128 chemicals and gasses.
Typical pitcher filters are designed meet 13 and Faucet filters meet 58

Environmentally Kind

AquaTru is extremely efficient so you don’t get the water waste like with other RO systems. Also, you are not trucking water all over for delivery, nor are you using up single-use water bottles that are so harmful to our planet & animals.

Watch this Video as AquaTru turns Diet Coke into pure water:




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